Olympic Festival FeedbackTom2024-08-05T16:32:03+01:00 Olympic Festival Feedback Form "*" indicates required fields Select the session/sessions you attended Girls That Judo Minors/Pre Cadet Training Pathway Training and Workshop Fight Night Winner Stays On Event Regional Hub Please select the most applicable option to describe you:* Athlete Parent/Guardian (If athlete is u18) The Training/Event met my expectations:*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeHow effective was the communication before the session/event?*Not Effective at AllIneffectiveNeutralEffectiveHighly EffectiveHow would you rate the overall experience of the session/event?*ExcellentGoodNeutralPoorDid you feel adequately supported by the coaching staff?*Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agreeWhilst attending the sessions/event did you know who to speak to if you felt worried, concerned or upset about something?* Yes No If Yes – who would that have been?* Did you enjoy a female only session: More than training with mixed gender Same as training with mixed gender Less than training with mixed gender What differences if any did you see or feel in the female only session What differences if any does having female coaches mean to you? What differences if any do you see or feel when there is males in a session with you? What did you like most about the session/event attened?*Do you have any suggestions for future training weeks?*Email (Optional) – Feedback can be submitted anonymously Δ