2022 IDPWD THEME: “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world“.
Disability rights are human rights. On International Day of People with Disabilities, we’re reaffirming our call for the human rights of all people with disabilities to be recognised and upheld in every aspect of their lives.
An estimated one billion people have some form of disability, 80 per cent of whom live in low or middle income countries. People with disabilities have the same rights. These rights are enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, yet many people with disabilities are denied their rights because of barriers like stigma and discrimination.
One of the three thematic topics includes innovation for disability inclusive development: sport as an exemplar case: a sector where all of these aspects coalesce; sport as a good practice example and a site of innovation, employment and equity.
We believe that inclusion is everyone’s responsibility. Governments, policymakers and global organisations need to play their part to make this a reality, as well as the wider community. As we continue our inclusion work and working in collaboration with our partners and people with disabilities, change is possible.
Learn more by visiting the IDPWD website here.