Celebrate Thank You Day with us on Sunday 4th July!

We’ve all got someone to say thank you to this year...

This Sunday 4th July is Thank You Day, and we’re joining alongside some amazing organisations including the NHS, Sport Wales, Club Solutions Wales, and fellow Welsh National Governing Bodies to say thank you to everyone who deserves it. If the pandemic has shown us anything it is the importance of community, and just how strong our Welsh Judo community really is. From players to parents, coaches to carers, the volunteers that go above and beyond, we have helped each other through.

Whether it's the NHS staff that have worked around the clock, coach that's kept you going via Zoom sessions, volunteer that has checked in to see how you're doing, or school teams who looked after our children and kept them learning - we want to get together to say thank you to them all.

Join the celebrations, find out more about how you can take part and spread the word about Thank You Day by visiting the Thank You Day website.

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