Get involved with the Welsh Athletics ‘Mile-A-Day’ (MAD) Firebreak Challenge / Milltir y Dydd 

With our Return To Judo Framework currently on pause during this firebreak period in Wales, our day-to-day activities have been limited, but one of the few reasons we have been actively encouraged to leave our house for is exercise. 

Running is a great way to improve our judo fitness and today as the theme for the Welsh Athletics Mile-A-Day Firebreak Challenge is 'Sports United' we're encouraging you to get involved. We all know how important it is to get active, so today is an opportunity to complete your mile in your judogi!


Walk, jog or run a mile – or further if you want- the goal is to encourage as many people as possible to be active during this period and beyond. Welsh Athletics have created a special event number for you to download, print off and wear. Just add your name and tick off each day as you complete them. Feeling creative? Grab a pen and paper and make your own. Click here to download your number.

Don’t forget to share your success and tag Welsh Judo, Welsh Athletics, or Run Wales along with the hashtag #MADFirebreakChallenge

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