Return to Judo framework to be paused following the announcement made on Monday 19th October.

Yesterday First Minister Mark Drakeford made the announcement of a 17-day firebreak lockdown for Wales. The lockdown will commence from 6pm on Friday 23rd October until Monday 9th November.

Following this announcement, Welsh Judo can confirm that as of Friday 23 October, our ‘Return to Judo framework will be paused. This means that all organised judo activity is suspended across Wales, including Talent Cymru and Performance Pathway.

Exercise and fitness activity within households is the only physical activity permitted. You may leave home for local outdoor exercise with your household group, which should start and finish at your home. Travel for exercise is not permitted and all sports and leisure facilities will be closed as part of the two-week lockdown. 

You can find all frequently asked questions regarding the firebreak lockdown here.

We understand that this will be disappointing news for our members and once again wish to express our thanks for your continued patience and support.

Please stay positive and safe. We look forward to seeing everyone back on the tatami in the near future.

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