Welsh Judo is proud to announce we have been awarded the Intermediate level of the Equality Standard for Sport.

The Equality Standard for Sport is a framework for assisting sports organisations to widen their access and reduce inequalities in sport and physical activity, from under-represented individuals, groups and communities. The standard is owned by the five Sports Councils through the Sports Councils Equality Group (SCEG) and is based around two broad themes: developing an organisation and developing its services. 

The standard encompasses four levels of achievement: Foundation, Preliminary, Intermediate and Advanced. In order to gain the Intermediate level, Welsh Judo submitted a large written body of work showcasing what we doing well, what would improve going forward and where we want to be as we look to the future of our sport. This submission was assessed by an Equality Assessor prior to presenting our case to panel as the final stage of applying for the standard.

Upon hearing the news Darren Warner, CEO, commented:

“I’m delighted to hear we’ve achieved the intermediate award of the equality standard in sport. For Welsh Judo, it has been a six-year journey through the initial three stages of the standard. Judo is a sport for everyone and our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is now at the core of what we do. As we navigate our way through these difficult times we’ll continue to work towards our strategic aims. The equality standard provides an excellent platform for us to do just that.”

The Welsh Judo Equality Plan provides clear gives objectives, actions, timescales, progress and impact for equity related work streams. It includes articles to be written, publications and resources to be produced, media representation of under-represented groups, staff training, events to be delivered and will ensure the delivery of all equity related work going forwards.

We wish to express our thanks to everyone involved in achieving the standard; it is a testament to all the on-going hard work and commitment to our judo community in Wales.

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