Concussion in sport is a serious issue. While the vast majority of people participating in grassroots sport do so safely, we want to make sure everyone – across all sports and across the whole of the UK – is aware of how to recognise a concussion and what to do if they suspect someone is concussed. 

Overarching Message


At all levels in all sports, if an individual is suspected of having a concussion, they must be immediately removed from play.

The Government and Sport and Recreation Alliance have published the first UK-wide Concussion Guidelines for Grassroots Sport which will help players, coaches, parents, schools, National Governing Bodies and sports administrators to identify, manage and prevent the issue. Full guidance can be found on the Sport and Recreation Alliance website here.

If you want to know more about the return-to-play for judo or the protocols for the loss of consciousness from shime-waza, check out the British Judo Head Injury & Strangulation Management policy here.

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