The First Minister’s announcement on Friday 31st July regarding swimming pools, gyms and leisure centres being able to reopen from Monday 10th August was very much welcome news as we continue the process involved with returning to judo. Previous relaxations in the restrictions had allowed up to 30 people to gather for organised activity outdoors and in outdoor facilities.

What does the latest announcement mean for Judo in Wales?

The reopening of indoor facilities allows judo clubs to reopen on a restricted basis. However, the announcement from the First Minister regarding the re-opening of facilities does not mean any immediate changes for judo. We’re delighted by the news and have been preparing for it for some time, to ensure members are back on the mat as safely as possible but there is still work to be done.

What does the announcement that Under 11s no longer have to adhere to social distancing mean for Judo?

Whilst we welcome this change, this is outdoors and will not impact on indoor participation at this stage.

What’s next?

Before we can publish our guidance we must wait for greater guidance from Welsh Government. We have already begun working on our guidance in preparation, so we expect to release guidance by mid-August.  Until this is released, clubs should continue to follow RED stage guidance

What can Clubs do in the meantime?

Over the next few weeks and months each club will have to ensure they can deliver judo safely, following government legislation and Welsh Judo guidance.  

There are at least 5 steps that all clubs and organisers will be required to complete before they re-commence judo activities:

  1. Appoint a COVID-19 Officer
  2. Complete COVID-19 Officer Training  (WSA online webinar) 
  3. Undertake a robust COVID-19 Risk Assessment 
  4. Complete the Welsh Judo ‘Club Declaration Form” 
  5. Re-affiliate your members to Welsh Judo 

It is critically important to remember that both indoor activity (from the 10th August) and outdoor activity should only be organised in accordance with the Welsh Government guidance published for clubs, activity and facility providers. We continue to prepare essential protocols and procedures in line with the guidance to ensure we return to judo as safely as possible.

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