This week in our Talent Cymru Athlete check-in series we catch up with Ffion Lovatt.

Performance Pathway athlete Ffion Lovatt, 18, was introduced into judo by her school friends at 9 years old. She has been on the Performance Pathway Programme full-time for 9 months.  

Where have you been based during lockdown and how have restrictions affected your training?  

FL: I have been based at home in Mid Wales . With the lockdown the biggest challenge I have faced is a lack of specialist equipment which I have readily got access to when in Cardiff. A lack of training partners has also impacted on my training too.

How have you stayed motivated & focused during this time? 

FL: I have stayed motivated with the help of my immediate family as when feeling low or lacking motivation both my brother and sister have pushed me to train as hard if not harder than I usually would at times in Cardiff. I have watched many judo fights and varied my training differently than when in Cardiff. I have based my training around running and improving my explosive power and speed.

Has there been anything new that you have incorporated into your training and routine due to restrictions that you will continue with in the future? 

FL: Sledgehammer throws have been a revelation to my training programme and my overall strength. I have also been undertaking short distance pace running such a 2 mile sprints

What have you been focusing on in the past few months, outside of the dojo? 

FL: A new throw that I saw watching judo competitions. I have been repeatedly doing uchi komi and discussing it with my brother and sister. I have to complement it been focusing on speed and explosive power.

Have there been any positives which you can take from the past two months which you feel has benefited you in the long term, both in sport and outside of sport? 

FL: Spending more time with my family and allowed me to refocus on my objectives and goals

What excites you most about returning to normal routine? 

FL: Training, being around my team mates and incorporating the fitness techniques.

And finally, what has been your biggest lockdown Nexflix binge?

FL: Michael Jordan- the last dance.... very impressive athlete who demanded that everyone gave their all for the cause. 

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