Recovering from two hip surgeries, 21 year old Dani Williams tells us she entered the sport after a group of friends who encouraged her to start judo when she was aged 13. She started training full-time straight after completing her NVQ level three in hairdressing and was based at the Sport Wales National Centre in Cardiff prior to the Coronavirus pandemic. She shares how the past few months have been for her...

Where have you been based during lockdown and how have restrictions affected your training?

DW: In lockdown I have been based at home in Carmarthenshire. The restrictions I have had to face is the lack of equipment, as Sport Wales provide you with a top equipment to enhance and improve.

How have you stayed motivated and focused during this time?

DW: During the pandemic I have stayed motivated with the support from all my coaches and the practitioners at Sport Wales. I have also kept in contact with all the rest of the players in the programme. 

Has there been anything new that you have incorporated into your training and routine due to restrictions that you will continue in the future?

DW: Yes mobility and stability sessions to improve my range of movement and to help me have a stronger base in judo. 

What have you been focusing on in the past few months outside the dojo?

The last few months I have been focusing on my rebuilding my strength from recovering from my two surgeries. I have also been focusing on my return back to judo. 

Have there been any positives which you can take from the past two months which you feel has benefited you in the long term, both in sport and outside the sport?

DW: The past two months have given me time to reflect on my goals both in judo and outside the sport. This time has also made me think deeply about balancing my work life and judo. 

What excites you the most about returning to normal routine?

DW: Being able to return back to judo from my two operations and also to be able to start work again. Another factor to socialise with friends and have new goals to set and achieve for the future. 

And finally, what has been your biggest lockdown Netflix binge? 

DW: I have enjoyed watching the Vampire Diaries and a few other series.

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