Join us in saying a big #ThanksToYou to the National Lottery and National Lottery players for keeping sport going in the tough and the good times.

We’re celebrating the National Lottery’s 26th birthday this month and we want you to get involved too! To say a huge thank you to the National Lottery and National Lottery players join in us posting your crossed finger selfies on Thursday 19th November 2020.
Sport has faced one of its toughest years in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, and National Lottery contributions have helped to protect and prepare sport for a safe return to activity. That’s in addition to the many other ways the National Lottery continues to help the sector to thrive, investing millions of pounds into Welsh sport each year at a strategic and grass roots level.  
Thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised every week for good causes, many of which are supporting the most vulnerable in communities across the UK during the Coronavirus crisis. 

Post a crossed finger selfie on Thursday 19th November 

Together, thousands of people will post crossed finger selfies on Thursday 19th November 2020 to say a massive collective thank you to the National Lottery players for their colossal contribution to good causes across the UK, and you’re invited to take part. 
Using the hashtag #ThanksToYou and #NationalLottery will also boost your social media and brand visibility on the day and give more people the chance to hear about your project.

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