Today we catch up with Callum Bennett who has been part of Talent Cymru just under a year. Callum, 17, started judo when he was just three years old. He got into the sport after his Father took him and his brother down to their local club to burn off all of that extra energy he had as a child. He tells us how the past few months have been for him...

Where have you been based during lockdown and how have restrictions affected your training?

CB: I have been based at my hometown in Llanelli during this lockdown. Lockdown restrictions have affected my training mainly on the judo side of things because I am unable to train and improve on the mat. But on the strength and conditioning side of things I have found it has been a more focused area to train over the lockdown.

How have you stayed motivated & focused during this time? 

CB: I have stayed motivated and focused during lockdown by keeping myself busy on a day to day basis by doing different activities and helping my family during the lockdown. All of the Sport Wales staff and judo coaches have kept me motivated by keeping in contact with me and I have been having regular meetings with them to check on how I’m doing.

Has there been anything new that you have incorporated into your training and routine due to restrictions that you will continue with in the future? 

CB: I have incorporated a regular schedule to get up at a certain time every morning to train and regularly kept my mind active so I don’t feel things will get on top of me so I am constantly fresh and in a good place. 

What have you been focusing on in the past few months, outside of the dojo? 

CB: I have been focusing on my future outside of the dojo and what job routes I would potentially be interested in going down, and I feel that I would like to potentially join the RAF.

Have there been any positives which you can take from the past two months which you feel has benefited you in the long term, both in sport and outside of sport? 

CB: I feel like the Sport Wales staff have been there throughout the pandemic from start and right through until the end so I know that after lockdown I know I can turn to the staff no matter what. Also organising a schedule has really helped me to maintain a routine into my life so this will definitely help me my sport life and my personal life.

What excites you most about returning to normal routine? 

CB: Getting back on the mat doing what I love and seeing friends again and improving more in all aspects with full use of equipment.

And finally, what has been your biggest lockdown Netflix binge?

I’ve watched many series but I’m currently watching Power 

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