Disability Sport Wales are distributing a survey to capture and understand the experiences of disabled people within Wales of taking part in physical activity over the past year during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The aim of the survey is to gain a national picture of the experiences of disabled people of accessing physical activity and sport to help to plan for the future. From this survey Disability Sport Wales would like to create solutions and opportunities to enhance disabled peoples’ engagement with physical activity.

The survey is available in English, Welsh, British Sign Language, or Easy Read, either online or in paper copy (on request from office@disabilitysportwales.com). To access the survey in various formats please click the links below:

Easy read survey

Survey in English

Survey in Welsh

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us on office@welshjudo.com or Disability Sport Wales on office@disabilitysportwales.com or 0300 3003115

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